How Often Should My Child Brush? Plus, Free Toothbrushing Chart
Sometimes we need a little extra motivation to help jump start good habits. That is why we developed this printable, at-home toothbrushing chart to help parents and their little brushers get into the habit of brushing twice per day.
The American Dental Association recommends that children (and you, too grown-ups!) brush their teeth twice a day at two minute intervals. You may hear your pediatric dentist use the phrase 2 by 2 during visits to help coach children on the proper timing of brushing.
Ideally, their brushing takes place in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after dinner. Morning brushing ensures that your child’s teeth are cleaned from their first meal of the day. Plus, it can help eliminate morning breath. Brushing in the evening removes all the sugar bugs (sugar, acid, excess food) from their teeth and gums and sets them up for better oral health throughout the night.
If you can help your child establish a good teeth brushing routine using the handy chart - great! Or maybe you have a process that works for your family. The most important thing is to create the habit early. Additionally, it’s important to try to get flossing done daily. Like brushing, creating the habit is key. Not every brush or floss will be perfect - and that’s OK! By creating the habit, each brush and each floss will get easier with time.
Finally, don’t forget to swap out your child’s toothbrush every three to four months. Some children may even need to switch their toothbrush more frequently if their brush bristles have significant signs of wear. For example, some children may chew on their toothbrush instead of brushing their teeth with it. Help remind them that the brush is for…brushing and not eating!
Having problems developing good habits? Reach out to our office for help. We’re happy to provide guidance during your child’s preventative exam as well!
~ Dr. Stephanie Hardwick