Your First Appointment: How to Prepare

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Now that your appointment is booked, what can you do to help your child have a successful first visit? Here is a list of tips & tricks to help you, and your little one:

  • Role play: Play “dentist” at home. Takes turns with your child being the dentist. Lie on your back and let them brush your teeth. A little toothpaste in the hair has never hurt anyone! 

  • Read books: We have a number of books that can help prepare your child for their dental visits. Some include well known characters, while others focus on emotions and sensations. Please contact us if you’d like us to send you our list of go to’s.

  • Keep it light and fun: Keep your information playful. Sing brushing songs, play brushing games. Try to avoid describing what will happen in too much detail. Leave this up to us. You don’t want your little one getting lost in details they might not understand. Your Tam Team is trained to describe everything in child-friendly, age-appropriate ways. 

  • Practice brushing in a lying position: If your child hasn’t brushed their teeth while lying down, it can be alarming to experience this for the first time at the dental office. Get your child accustomed to this position before they come to see us. You can do this in bed, on the floor, or even on the changing table. Sometimes it can be helpful to let them hold a toy or lovey as well. If you’ve never tried it, you might be surprised at how much you can see!

  • Prepare your child visually: Often kids do better when they know what to expect. Point our office out the next time you visit Town Center. Come up and say hi (you might even get a little treat). Look at online pictures of our space together. Virtually introduce your child to the Tam Team. Ask your child what they’re the most excited about? And text us if they have any questions. The “What If Monster” can be overwhelming. We can help set their mind at ease. 

  • Avoid anxiety-provoking words: Words like hurt, pain, and shot can get your child’s mind wandering in the wrong direction. Instead, reassure your child with phrases like: Mommy loves you. I like when good people help me take care of you. Aren't we lucky to have nice helpers in our life? Who else is a kind person that helps our family? To help build a positive association, try to relate the office or dental team to something positive in your child’s life. Your verbiage and examples will help build confidence and establish trust before your family even walks into our office. Your child needs to see and feel that you have confidence in our team and feel safe within our space. Be an example of the behavior you’d like to see them repeat.

  • Ensure your child is well rested and well fed for their visit: Choose an appointment time that fits your child’s schedule and allows you and your child to arrive well rested, fed, and relaxed. For morning appointments, try to relax and enjoy a healthy breakfast together. We all know what a “hangry” kid looks like, and who can blame them! For younger children this often means a mid-to-late morning appointment, because as we all know, things can get a little touch-and-go at the end of a long and exciting day. 

  • Visit the bathroom or change your child’s diaper: Just prior to their appointment, be sure to have a bathroom break or diaper change. Being physically comfortable in a new situation is important and we’d hate for a full bladder or messy diaper to negatively impact your child experience. 

  • Complete your forms ahead of time: Your child’s dental appointment should be all about them! The questions on our forms are all very intentional. Your answers will prepare us for your visit, and allow us to set the stage for a successful visit. Understanding your child’s and your family’s health and dental history, as well as their likes and dislikes ahead of time, will allow us to provide the most individualized care and focused attention possible. That’s why the Tam Way includes online and mobile-friendly form completion and uploads through your patient portal.

  • Let us know who is bringing your child: If you are sending your child with a caregiver other than yourself or another legal guardian, please let us know. To ensure a smooth visit, we can send the required form to your patient portal to complete ahead of time.

Make this visit all about them! If you choose to stay with your child during their appointment, please prepare to be both physically and mentally present with your child. If you’ve got a lot going on in your life and need a break, please take this as your opportunity to escape. We are committed to supporting your family and will take care of your children in a kind and focused way. We’re happy to give you a little space if you need it!

~Dr. Stephanie and the Tam Team


When Should Your Children First See the Dentist?


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